The Tale of Two Civil Societies: Comparing Disability Rights Movements in Uruguay and Nicaragua

This article explores the applicability of a disability rights organizing framework in different contexts with consideration given to the local characteristics of civil society, specifically in Nicaragua and Uruguay.

The Tale of Two Civil Societies: Comparing Disability Rights Movements in Uruguay and Nicaragua, Meyers, S. & Lockwood, E. (2014). Disability Studies Quarterly.

Nonprofit Political Engagement: The Roles of 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organizations in Elections and Policymaking

This article examines the role of 501 (c)(4) organizations in political organizing with grassroots organizations and mobilizations.

Nonprofit Political Engagement: The Roles of 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organizations in Elections and Policymaking. Post, M. & Boris, E. (2021). Nonprofit Policy Forum.